Sunday, January 6, 2008

Holidays at the spanier's

Well Christmas came and gone very quick for my family. Everyone came home this year it was awesome to see everyone. It was really cool that chris fianlly got to meet him nephew and niece. Logan is almost 2 kinda scary to think about. Ella is almost 3 months and its amazing to see how much further ahead she is then logan was. She is already trying to sit on her own and loves to stand. Logan is starting to learn his abc's and loves his little sister. Even though he bugs her a lot, she is the first person she seems to smile at in the morning. Brad has been out of work since november except when it snows so its been kinda hard living with almost 800 dollar rent with no money coming in. But he just found a job working in brooklyn center about an hour away. He'll be working at Luther Brookdale Chevi he'll go down in pay but not by much and he'll be getting more hours so were very blessed. Today was the first day Brad fasted with me so i was very happy. My testimony is growning more and more each day. For those of you who dont know I got a calling in church, I was called as Primary Nursery Leader so im so happy to be doing that. The little children in my class are so smart they make my testimony grow just by being in there. Their are 9 children in my class and they all are used to not sharing lol so its tough to teach them that. I have some activites im very excited to do with them. Well I better be off to bed, Before i got though these pics are of Ella with santa she just loved him, and the of logan being a cutie, and then the last one is of Brad and Ella sleeping (they do that a lot together hehehe)

1 comment:

Shawnee said...

Glad your family could all be together for Christmas. Cute kids!