Friday, August 3, 2007

International Dance Festival

The International Dance Festival is going on here in Rexburg. Here I am at the parade on Monday with two of my very favorite people sitting in front of Taco Bell on Main Street. President and Sister Spaulding are the sweetest couple. He is in my branch presidency, and she is one of my visiting teachers. They are great. (Their son married one of Linda's sisters.) The parade was fun. There were only about 10 countries who were in the parade. China, Czech Republic, Japan, Sweden, and a few others. There were beautiful costumes all around. The biggest representation, of course, was the US. The dance team was from the college. Afterwards there was a street fair. There were some girls from our branch who go to Paul Mitchell. They had a booth and were styling hair. Most of the people with us from the branch who attended the parade got their hair done. It was quite the sight to see. A fun evening in Rexburg.

1 comment:

nina said...

sigh..... makes me miss home :(